Our Story

Campagne [kahm-pah-nyah -Countryside] Living means a life of sustainable living, of slowing down and enjoying the small intimate moments that life has to offer, of spending time with loved ones.
Campagne Living is an authentic, versatile space, offering a relaxed country experience. We are kind on nature and completely off the grid, aiming to live a more sustainable life. We are committed to small details, which makes for unforgettable experiences and memories.
We strive to live a zero-waste lifestyle and promote responsible consuming and reusing of products or goods to ensure the impact on the environment is minimal.
We believe that this piece of earth and Campagne Living was entrusted to us by our Creator and our aim is to do everything to the best of our abilities and to the glory of God.
Our goal is to welcome you to a space that is not only beautiful but peaceful and calming, a real countryside retreat, where you and your loved ones can celebrate together.